Sunday, April 13, 2008

More for the One Thousand Gifts List

20. Little boys who sing in their beds when they wake up in the morning.
19. A husband who remembered to put the tea kettle on before homegroup.
18. A boy who covered me in pillows to "make me comfy" because I was tired.
17. Beautiful spring days.
16. Seeing Aidan take a ride on Grandpa's tractor.
15. The looks on the boys' faces after a great fireman birthday party.
14. Sweet yellow wildflowers in the backyard (despite our weed n' feed :)).
13. Running to dada when he comes home in the morning.
12. Dada sweeping up said boys who run to him each morning and hugging them tight.
11. Being greeted as the "cutest girl I've ever seen" by my sweet hubbie.


Anonymous said...

One of my thousands gifts is a daughter like you who knows the things in life that are really important.

I love you lots......Mom

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