Friday, May 16, 2008

Gifts (Hubby Style)

60. Sore muscles after a good work-out.
59. A great cup of coffee...mmmmmmm
58. Cinnamon Rolls in the morning...very yummy.
57. Being able to see without anymore glasses.
56. A good book to read on those rainy days.
55. A job to provide for my family.
54. A wife who loves me even when I'm less than loveable.
53. Children to wrestle with.
52. Having the gift of marrige.
51. A family full of support.

Gifts. . . Again!

50. Boys who love to get mail.
49. A Christian family and extended family.
48. This gift list :).
47. Cuddles from my big little man.
46. A husband who wants our relationship to be the best it can be.
45. Fresh hair cuts on little boys.
44. "Big hugs" from Aidan.
43. A little boy in footed jammies each morning.
42. Mexican Food. . . mmmmmmm.
41. A little boy who loves his Aunt Beth.
40. A God who is always there to listen, comfort, and heal.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


40. Having our daddy home more because he is done with school!
39. Little faces after chocolate pudding and chocolate bunnies.
38. Having worship songs stuck in my head.
37. A church with real, transparent women, with real struggles, all trying to lean on God and each other to make it through.
36. A clean house (for this second).
35. Brendan's ever-changing birthday party ideas.
34. Aidan's "birdie" mobile in his bed, and the fact that he turns it on with his toes :).
33. Weekends for the boys at Memaw's and Grandpa's (and rest for a tired Mommy and Daddy).
32. Aidan's new favorite phrase, "Woo-Hoo!"
31. Homemade cinnamon rolls.